How to Play Craps
What’s more fun than winning? In this lively and fast-paced game, there are many ways to bet and even more ways to win. Place a bet on the Pass Line or Don’t Pass Line and let the fun begin!
Come Out Roll:
The first roll of the dice at the opening of the game or the next roll of the dice after a decision with respect to Pass Line Bets and Don’t Pass Line Bets.
Come Out Point:
Shall mean a total of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 thrown by the Shooter on a Come Out Roll. Once one of these numbers are rolled, that number will now be what is called “the point”
Pass Line Bet:
A Pass Line bet is placed immediately prior to the Come Out Roll. You win on 7 and 11 and lose on 2, 3, or 12 on the Come Out Roll. If any other number rolls, it’s your point. If your number rolls before 7, you win. If 7 rolls before your point, you lose and the dice move to the next Shooter. The bet pays even money. This bet may be increased at any point but may not be removed or decreased once a point has been established
Don’t Pass Line Bet:
A bet on this line plays the game in reverse of the Pass Line. You lose on the 7 and 11 and win on 2 and 3 on the Come Out Roll. When 12 is rolled, it is a Stand-Off. When 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 rolls, it is the point. You are betting that 7 will be rolled before the point. This bet must be placed before the Come Out Roll, but may be removed or decreased after a point is established. However, it may not be replaced or increased after such removal or reduction. This bet pays even money.
Come Bet:
You can bet on Come at any time after the Come Out Roll. You can try for a new point at any time. You win on 7 and 11 and lose on 2, 3, or 12 on the roll immediately following the placement of the bet. If any other number rolls, it’s your point, and your bet will be moved to that number. If your point rolls before 7, you win. If 7 rolls before your point, you lose. A Come Bet cannot be reduced or removed after a number is established for such a bet. However, if you are feeling lucky, feel free to increase it. This bet pays even money.
Don’t Come Bet:
A bet on Don’t Come plays the game in reverse of the Come Line Bet. You lose on the 7 and 11 and win on 2 and 3 on the roll immediately following placement of the bet. When 12 rolls, it is a Stand-Off. When 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 rolls, it is your point. You are betting that 7 will be rolled before the point. When a point is established, the bet will be placed behind that number. Don’t Come Bets cannot be increased, but may be removed or decreased after a point is established. However, they may not be replaced or increased after such removal or reduction. This bet pays even money.
Hard Ways:
There are four Hard Ways combinations: Hard Four (Two 2s), Hard Six (Two 3s), Hard Eight (Two 4s), and Hard Ten (Two 5s). You can bet the combination you want at any time. Hard Ways wagers shall win if the selected Hard Ways is rolled before a 7 and lose if a 7 is rolled or the selected number is rolled in any other way prior to the selected Hard Way being rolled. For instance, if you bet the Hard Six, you win when that rolls before 7 or an Easy Six (5 and 1 or 4 and 2). Hard Ways pays off odds as listed in the Payout Chart. Hard Ways are inactive on the Come Out Roll unless the player calls, “On.”
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True Odds:
You can bet on every roll of the dice. If 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12 rolls, you win. All numbers pay even money except 2 and 12, which pay double. If 5, 6, 7, or 8 rolls, you lose. The Field is a one-roll bet.
Place Bets:
On a Place Bet, you can bet on 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 at any time. If your number rolls before 7, you win according to the Odds Payouts Chart. If 7 rolls before your number, you lose. Place Bets are inactive on the Come Out Roll unless the player calls “On.”
Buy Bets:
Buy Bets are exactly the same as Place Bets except by paying a 5% commission at the time the wager is placed you receive the true odds as shown on the chart. Buy Bets are inactive on the Come Out Roll unless the player calls “On.” A Buy Button denotes this bet.
Lay Bet:
You may Lay a bet against 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 at any time. The Lay bet wins if a 7 rolls before the point number that has been made and loses if the point number is rolled before a 7. In order to place a Lay Bet, you must pay a5% commission at the time the wager is placed based on the amount you could win. Lay Bets always work. Check the chart for the Payouts. A Lay Button denotes this bet.
Proposition Bets:
These are one-roll bets, except for Hard Ways. The Dealer will place all Proposition Bets in the center of the Crap table. The Dealer will take or pay all Proposition Bets on the next roll of the dice again, except for Hard Ways. Unless you request otherwise, your winning bet remains in action.
Horn Bet:
Here you wager on a combination of four numbers: 2, 3, 11 and 12 (Horn). If any of these numbers are rolled, you win. If any other number is rolled, you lose. One-fourth (1/4) of the Horn Bet is on each of the individual numbers (2, 3, 11, and 12). If any of these numbers roll, you win and are paid at the odds as listed in the Payout Charts. If any other number is rolled, you lose. This is a one-roll bet.
Horn High Bets:
There are four Horn High combinations: Horn High 2 (Aces), Horn High 3 (Ace, Deuce), Horn High 11, and Horn High 12 (two sixes). If 2, 3, 11, or 12 rolls, you win. If any other number is rolled, you lose. How this differs from a Horn Bet is that one-fifth (1/5) of the Horn High is bet on each of the individual Horn numbers (2, 3, 11, and 12), with an additional one-fifth (1/5) of the bet on the designated Horn High number. For example, Horn High
11: two-fifths (2/5) of the bet on 11, one-fifth (1/5) on 2, one-fifth (1/5) on 3, one-fifth (1/5) on 12. This is a one-roll bet.
Whirl Bets:
A Whirl Bet is a horn bet along with any 7.
Any 7:
You can bet Any 7 on any roll of the dice. When 7 rolls, you win and are paid 4 to 1. If any other number rolls, you lose. This is a one-roll bet.
Any Craps:
You can bet on any roll of the dice. If 2, 3, or 12 rolls, you win and are paid 7 to 1. If any other number is rolled, you lose. This is a one-roll bet.
2, 3, 11, or 12:
You can bet on 2, 3, 11, or 12 individually. They are one-roll bets. The winning payoff on 2 or 12 is 30 to 1. The winning payout on 3 or 11 is 15 to 1. If any number other than that number bet rolls, you lose.
Hop Bets:
Hop Bets are one-roll bets that offer our casino guests an opportunity to experience a new level of excitement on the established game of Craps. As with the one-roll bets which are currently available these may be played at any time and shall either win or lose upon the next roll of the dice.
How to Play:
Any Dice combination can be wagered upon with a corresponding location for the bet to be placed within the Proposition area. The player calls out the combination desired for the next roll of the dice: for example, “Ace-Four on the Hop.” Once taken, the bet is set up by the dealer in the corresponding area. If the wagered combination appears on the next roll, it is declared a win and paid. Should any other combination appear, the bet shall be declared a loser and collected by the dealer.